It’s August. You’re hot. Your house is hot. You can’t sleep.

What are you thinking?

  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy audit
  • Insulation
  • Air conditioner

While still in bed you might be thinking about the beach or a pool, but if you got up to do something about the problem, you would hit the Internet. And so would other people. For you, the best part is that you can tell what those people were thinking about when they searched on Google using tools like Google Trends.

Long story short, people are thinking about air conditioners. In fact, compared to energy audits, they’re thinking about air conditioners about 132 times more! Heck, even in January people were thinking about air conditioning about 20x more than audits.

So if you’re writing your website content, or doing advertising (whether on the Internet or elsewhere) and you’re doing energy audits, you have a bit of a challenge: what to write about or talk about.

As promoters of the larger issues we face as a country, and of legislation like Home Star which will provide incentives for home owners, and PACE, and all the rest, we’ll do our best at Energy Circle to help people learn new terms, like “energy audit”. But whether on our site, or on yours, people come when they are looking to find answers, or solutions.

The truth is, your competition is probably not going to be other pros doing energy audits and building performance work, but your local appliance store! If you’re competing for search engine traffic (and if not, why not?), you’ll have to use keywords strategically if you want to compete with any degree of success.

So on your website, consider writing a blog or news post like this:

Baby it’s hot outside! If you want your house to be cool in the summer, you can spend a lot of money installing an air conditioner, and more paying for air conditioning on your monthly electricity bill. Or you could hire me to show you ways to keep your house cooler, save energy, and use less air conditioning.

We serve the Sudbury, MA and Weston, MA area and will be happy to help you keep cool in summer and warm in the winter.

You can write one or two more paragraphs if you want. Make sure your page title contains the term “air conditioning” as well as one or two of the main towns or regions you serve. Make sure your page description (the one for the search engines) says something like “Thinking about buying a new air conditioner? We have a less expensive alternative that will keep your house cool and save money.”